Getting posh

Nothing exudes old world glamor like a lovely fur stole on a fantastic gown with sequins…..


Hair: Truth Minerva (Uber – had to get this one and it comes with the jewel accessory for only 200L)

Skin; .WoW Skins::. Tilda Bronze installer for TMP

Dress: *Preptopia* Old Hollywood Lipstick  (includes fur stole)

Pose:  [scene.] F061-065 (Pose Me Amazing)

Future’s so bright I gotta wear shades….

Tis a pretty sight to be out and about and fabulously attired…Have I got some juicy goodies for you..the oh so pretty and funky pair of shades is available from NS store for The Gatcha Mania (TGM) for just 35L per play.

The lovely and feminine hair from Damselfly is available at the Liaison Collaborative …with the abso-fabso hair Presleigh. Now I have to say – I do love that name, so unique!

Pose Me Amazing and Designer Circle is still going strong for your posing and clothing and skin…and jewelry and everything else that you wanted ….

Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Presleigh  (The Liaison Collaborative)

Skin; .WoW Skins::. Tilda Bronze installer for TMP (I’m truly going to stalk all those skinners who have TMP appliers 🙂 – how gorgeous is this – I’m like a kid in a candy store)

Shades:  NS:  Sunglasses (f) – 35L per play at The Gatcha Mania

Dress:  ::JK Style:: Sloane Dress  (very pretty dress with a HUD) – (Designer Circle)

Necklace: Stars! Fatuma

Shoes: Hollyhood Pink Collette heels  (Lyfe of Style)

Pose:  [scene.] F061-065 (Pose Me Amazing)